Relief for Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)

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Plantar fasciitis. How to get relief

Healthylife Pharmacy2 April 2017|4 min read

Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain in adults. It is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia –the thick tissue on the bottom of the foot which connects the heel bone to the toes, creating an arch. People who stand frequently, athletes (particularly runners), soldiers and people who have physically demanding jobs are susceptible to inflammation of the plantar fascia which can occur in one or both feet. Symptoms can be improved by employing some simple exercises and treatment methods that can be done at home.

Risk factors for Plantar fasciitis

Risk factors include:

  • overtraining (a very common condition in runners)
  • training techniques
  • older age
  • obesity or being overweight
  • foot arch problems (flat feet and high arches)
  • poor footwear

Symptoms of Plantar fasciitis

The common symptoms are pain and stiffness felt in the bottom of the heel. The pain may be dull or sharp, ache or burn. Pain can develop suddenly after standing or sitting for long periods of time; activities such as walking, running, jumping, intense exercise, or activities such as climbing stairs. 

Relief for Plantar Fasciitis

Rest, ice and elevation are the first options to consider when plantar fascia is inflamed and causing discomfort. 

Rest. Cease the activity which has caused the problem to allow for inflammation and pain to reduce. Continuing these activities will mean the plantar fascia will take longer to heal and could possibly lead to further damage. It may take several weeks to for tissue to heal properly. Low impact sports such as swimming can still be performed.

Ice. Applying an icepack will reduce inflammation and offer pain relief. This can be done for 15-20 minutes, 3-4 times a day.

Foot soak in a foot bath using warm water and magnesium salts is a quick way to relax the muscles of the feet. 

Massage. Once the swelling and pain has reduced massage can be used to support the healing process. Use circular motions with thumbs on the heel and bottom of the foot for 15 minutes.

Natural topical products containing ingredients such as arnica, hypericum, calendula, menthol, melaleuca and rosemary can be applied to offer relief. 

Supportive footwear offering cushioning and arch support can reduce recurrences of planter fascia inflammation. Avoiding high heels, sandals, thongs and going bare-foot on hard surfaces is highly recommended. Gel heel cups and orthotics can be inserted into shoes to provide further support. Seel advice from a trained consultant for the best advice.

Maintain a healthy BMI. Carrying excess weight places increased pressure on the heel, can weaken muscles in the lower legs and a risk factor for plantar fasciitis.

Heel exercises and stretches

Studies have shown that stretching the bottom of the foot along with exercising and strengthening of the legs is the most effective treatment option. Try the following exercises twice a day, include 10 repetitions, holding the stretch for 20 seconds each time.

  • Towel stretches: Place a rolled towel under the ball of your foot and pull on both ends. Move the towel and your foot around to massage the area.
  • Toe stretching: Cross over your affected leg and hold your foot. Pull your toes back towards your shin. 
  • Squat stretches: Lean forward spread your feet apart with one in front of the other. Flex your knees and squat down, keeping your heels on the ground.
  • Achilles tendon stretches: Place your affected leg behind the other with the toes of your back foot pointed towards the heel of your other foot. Lean against a wall and bend your front knee while keeping your back leg straight and your back heel firmly on the ground.

Natural remedies to decrease pain and inflammation

Turmeric— nature’s best anti-inflammatory. Although no studies have been conducted on its effect on plantar fasciitis one study did show that curcumin (the main active constituent in turmeric) can reduce inflammation and offset some of the performance deficits associated with exercise-induced muscle damage.

Omega 3 available as a supplements and/or from the diet. Omega 3 is found in high concentrations in fresh fish, seafood, linseeds, chia seeds and nuts. Extensive research has shown omega 3 is effective in reducing inflammation and this could theoretically extend to reducing pain and recovery time in people suffering from plantar fasciitis.

Magnesium is a mineral needed for proper muscle function. 

Magnesium is the mineral muscles use in their action to relax. Magnesium can be taken orally or applied directly to the base of the foot using a topical magnesium cream or oil.

Bromelain is commonly used in treating inflammation and soft tissue injuries and may be beneficial in the management of plantar fasciitis.

Boswellia serrata resin (Frankincense) possesses anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Resveratrol is a plants-based polyphenol found in many plants. Resveratrol has been found to have significant anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.

The information provided is not intended to be used for diagnosis or treatment. If you are experiencing any health concerns, please consult your doctor for advice.


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